My First week as a fellow in IGHUB FELLOWSHIP 4

Oji ojii Amah
3 min readJun 28, 2020


What a thrilling week in a thrilling adventure.

Kicking off the program on saturday was an orientation at zoom. There, all interns who made it to the meeting were briefed about the sponsors and organizers of this program. They were also made us to understand that this program is aimed at making us(interns) world class in our field alongside stating some rules of the program.

The internship proper started on monday 22/june/2020 with about 600 interns at the slack workspace and that monday’s topic was mindset and goal setting. I learnt that mindset is a collection of thoughts and beliefs that influences how you think,what you feel and what you do.

Thoughts ,feelings and actions are stages of mindset . Negative thoughts have power likewise positive thoughts and whatever you will achieve all depends on your mindsets. Telling yourself empowering words is important. ‘I affirm that i have what it take to successfully complete #IGHUB FELLOWSHIP 4’ , that is affirmation. I also got to about the SMART PRINCIPLE.

Further more ,the second day got us looking at team and communication on the first round then team and collaboration on the second round. Team and communication made me to understand that if we must work as a team,we must communicate and collaborate. I learnt that knowing my tools and that of my team is very important as well as proper documentation and time.

When it comes to team ,listening well and listening hard is required and when speaking, speak clearly so people will understand you. Effective participation is highly expected. The purpose a team is to learn,unlearn and relearn. Here i also got to know about the types of communication and that proactive communication is one of the important practice for all software developers. How can i forget to tell you about the 16 personalities test we took and i got to know that i’m a mediator. Isn’t it thrilling already? Lets move on.

Agile project management was our wednesday topic. Well, you might be asking why agile? Yes there are others like water fall, prototyping, throw away prototyping spiral etc. but agile is the most popular one being used in the market and also it allows for continuous in-flow of feed backs. Agile project management is a method of software development that focuses on quick roll-out from efficient and flexible team. Agile include scrum,kanban and xp etc.Planning, analyzing,designing,building ,testing and deploying are all stages of agile project management.

I also got to know about trello. I did not just hear it for the first time but i also learnt the basics and signed up for it. This is to tell you how amazing the facilitators are, simplifying every lecture to our understanding which made the entire week mind blowing .

Data structure and abstraction types was introduced to us. I learnt that learning how to write codes isn’t just enough as knowing that alone will make you half baked. Memory management and knowing how to manipulate data in a given instance is very important.

Succeeding through open source was made clear to us and we got exposed to git and github. They really simplified everything for us, although i had a challenge on friday where i was not able to meet up with my class and i had to play catch up. I do hope that this coming week is going to be better.

This article is not complete if i don’t mention vicky and Deborah my two new friends at the workspace. It nice meeting you two.

Wasn’t the week thrilling? Isn’t the lecture mind blowing? Yes……… it was. THANK YOU IGHUB AFRICA….. THANK YOU PIND.

